Category Archives: Lumineers

Dentist Hates Lumineers

I’ve been saving for Lumineers for ages. Now that I’ve finally got the money, my dentist doesn’t want to place them. He said Lumineers will make my smile look bulky. I picked those because he won’t have to grind my teeth down and now he wants to grind my teeth. Should I let him or go to a different dentist who’ll do what I want?


Dear Marcy,

An advertisement for Lumineers

The thing Lumineers is best at is marketing. They’ve pushed their no-prep line so far that patients are afraid to have another brand of porcelain veneers. Truthfully, all Lumineers are is a brand. They’re not even the best brand.

While some patients look fine without any tooth preparation at all, most end up with a bulky looking smile. Some have described it as having horse teeth. That’s probably not the look you’re going for.

The type of tooth preparation needed for porcelain veneers doesn’t actually grind down your teeth. That’s only necessary for porcelain crowns. Because porcelain crowns cover your entire tooth, including the back and sides, a large amount of tooth structure has to be removed to make room for it.

Porcelain veneers are different. They are very thin and only go on the front of your tooth. For those who need tooth preparation, the dentist only needs to remove only about the depth of a fingernail. You can’t even tell that much has been removed.

Getting a Gorgeous Smile Makeover with Lumineers

Not many expert cosmetic dentists like the Lumineers brand. A lot of that has more to do with the company’s insistence that dentists use their lab. Their lab doesn’t have the best track record for creating gorgeous results.

You don’t want it to look like you’ve got veneers on. You want it to look like you have a naturally gorgeous smile. Because your dentist is warning you that you’ll end up with bulky results, I would say he’s trying to look out for you and give you the best smile possible.

You can insist he give you the Lumineers, sans tooth prep. He may relent and do it. But, I think you’ll regret that decision in the end.

Why don’t you try this? Tell him to go ahead with the brand of porcelain veneers he wants, but you want to see them on with a try-in paste before he permanently bonds them. If you don’t like them, then he has to do the brand you want.

He’ll probably be more willing to do that.

Also, remember, you don’t have to have them placed on your upper and lower arches. Make sure you just whiten the lower arch to match the color of the upper arch. That saves patients a ton of money.

This blog is brought to you by Drs. Kevin and Hillary Peck.

Can Lower-Middle Class Afford Lumineers

The kids at school have been making fun of my teeth. I thought this would stop after I was done with braces, but for some reason, my teeth developed some white spots on them during my braces. They keep pointing that out now. I’ve been thinking I should get one of those smile makeovers that Lumineers advertises. But, my mom works hard and stresses over money, so I don’t want to bother her if it’s not affordable. She works at a clothing store in the mall and sometimes drives for Uber at night. Is this do-able for her or would I just be stressing her more? I know the braces weren’t easy for her to pay for.

Kara L.

Dear Kara,

An advertisement for Lumineers

First, I want to commend you. You seem to be both considerate and mature. Your mother should be proud of you. It distresses me the way young people can be so cruel to one another. Even with you feeling the brunt of some of that cruelty, you’re still considering how this will affect your mother. That says so much about your character.

Next, I want to make sure you understand that Lumineers is simply a brand of porcelain veneers, just like there are many brands of clothing at the store your mother works.

While there are many different brands, each of them has different strengths and weaknesses. Even if you and your mother decide porcelain veneers are a good option for you, the dentist will know which brand is more likely to give you the smile you want.

Are Lumineers Your Best Solution?

A woman and her dentist smiling
A Good Dentist Tells You All Your Options

It sounds like you’re still in high school or possibly even an extremely articulate middle-schooler. What that means for your dental care is your jaw and bite are still developing. Something, like Lumineers or some other brand, will have to be re-done several times as your jaw and bite change. Porcelain veneers cost between $1,000 to $2,000 per tooth. That is a very pricey procedure to have to re-do several times. I can’t imagine if your mother struggled with braces, this will likely be out of her reach.

But, don’t despair! There’s always more than one solution to a problem! There’s one for you too.

You’re concerned about the white spots which developed on your teeth after your orthodontics. Based on what you’ve said, you developed some decalcification on your teeth. This is a common problem with braces. Lumineers won’t fix the spots. It’s possible they could hide the color differences. But, Lumineers are an ultra-thin brand. Without some color manipulation and possibly some filling, it’s possible the blotchiness will show through.

There is a way to fix the decalcification spots, though, using tooth mousse or some other method. I think your best solution is to discuss with your mother what’s been going on at school. Ask her to make an appointment with a cosmetic dentist just to find out what options you have. Some will even do a complimentary consultation in situations like yours. It doesn’t obligate you to anything, just informs you of all the possibilities, along with their differences in price.

This blog is brought to you by Drs. Kevin and Hillary Peck.

My Grandmother Said I Have Mr. Ed Teeth

I just got my teeth re-done with Lumineers and I was really excited about them until my grandmother said I had Mr. Ed teeth. I looked it up. Mr. Ed is a horse! Now I’m no longer sure my teeth are beautiful. Can Lumineers be removed?


Dear Dana,

A porcelain veneer being placed on a tooth

I’m very sorry your grandmother caused you to feel insecure about your teeth. I don’t know your grandmother, but it wasn’t a kind thing to say. If you were thrilled with your smile makeover, then maybe there’s absolutely nothing wrong with them and your grandmother is a bit on the mean side. Not all grandmothers are sweet and loving.

However, it’s a different story if you’re unhappy with your Lumineers. Depending on the dentist and the process he uses, some Lumineers can look bulky. A good cosmetic dentist can do them right. Just look in the mirror and smile. If you love them, they’re fine and it doesn’t matter what your grandma said.

If You Don’t Like Your Lumineers

Everyone has different tastes. You’ll never find a smile that everyone thinks is perfect and some people are just plain mean out of jealousy. If you don’t like them, however, that’s a completely different story.

If your Lumineers are already permanently bonded on, then they can’t just be removed. They can, however, be replaced. A good cosmetic dentist would never leave a patient unhappy with their smile. Usually, they’ll have some form of a beautiful smile guarantee where they’ll try on your new porcelain veneers with a temporary try-in paste. This allows you to see what they look like on your teeth and decide if you’re 100% satisfied before permanently bonding them.

I hope this helps.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Lumineers Destroyed by Dentist

I got some Lumineers and spent a small fortune. However, it’s been a disaster from the beginning. I was excited after our consultation. He and I spoke quite in-depth with him about what I wanted, including a very white smile. When they were ready to bond on I was quite excited. As soon as I showed up he bonded them on. When I saw them in the mirror, I was devastated. They were stained, which made them look much darker than we’d discussed. I mentioned they weren’t as white as I was expecting but he asked me to give it a few days. I did but was just heartsick about the color. So, then I called him and said I really didn’t like the color. He told me to come in. He took off a layer of the Lumineers to show under the stain which is whiter, but now the veneers are dull looking and uneven. I can’t deal with this and I don’t know what to do. How could any decent cosmetic dentist be happy with a smile they created looking like this?


Dear Louisa,

A dental tool holding up a single Lumineer

I can tell you exactly how this particular dentist is satisfied with the results. He doesn’t understand how cosmetic dentistry works. Truthfully, you have a good case for a refund simply because he bonded them on without letting you look at them first and get your approval. He could actually get in a bit of trouble for that. Patients are supposed to give approval for a procedure before it’s performed.

Even if you had given permission, based on what you said he did to them after you complained, they are probably ruined. If he’s unwilling to give you a refund just from you asking I’d go to another dentist to get a second opinion. Make sure you go to a decent cosmetic dentist for your second opinion and don’t tell him who did your Lumineers. Tell him you want an unbiased opinion and don’t want to sway his thoughts.

Are Lumineers Your Best Option

Lumineers are a brand often marketed to inexperienced cosmetic dentists as being easy to place. While they don’t require tooth preparation (in certain cases) in many cases they do or they’ll end up looking bulky. Plus, as you’ve discovered, being easy to place does not mean they’re easy to design.

When you have these re-done, and you will need to have them re-done, don’t be surprised if your next cosmetic dentist suggests a different brand of porcelain veneers. The important item isn’t the brand but the skill of the dentist doing your porcelain veneers. It’s perfectly acceptable (in fact it is recommended) to ask to see samples of their work. They should have some type of smile gallery, sort of like a brag book to show you what type of results they get.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Bulky Lumineers are Making it Hard to Talk

I had Lumineers placed almost two months ago. I got this brand because they’re supposed to be thinner than the others. I can’t imagine how bulky the other brands are. But, my reason for writing you is because I’m having difficulty speaking because of there bulk. My dentist said I’d adapt to it, but I haven’t. What should I do? I sound like a little girl with a lisp.

Lauren W.

Dear Lauren,

A porcelain veneer being placed on a tooth

Many inexperienced cosmetic dentists end up placing Lumineers because they’re heavily marketed to beginners as being easy to place. They are considered “easy” because they’re ultra-thin and the company says no tooth preparation is necessary. That’s not always true and varies more from case to case than most dentists imagine. As a result of this misconception, many Lumineers cases end up looking (and being) bulky on patients.

As you’ve discovered, it affects both your appearance and your speech. Many patients have described it as trying to talk with horse teeth.

If you haven’t adjusted in two months, I can’t imagine you will anytime soon.

Can Lumineers be Fixed?

Once any brand of porcelain veneers are bonded on they’re permanent and can’t be “fixed”. The only option you really have is to have them re-done. Because you can’t speak normally, I would think you’re a good candidate for a refund. At the least, you should be able to speak normally.

Go to your dentist and let them know you haven’t adjusted and still can’t speak. You’ll need a refund in order to have them re-done. He’ll likely offer to re-do them rather than refund your money. It’s up to you whether you’re willing to try that. But, if he doesn’t have the experience and doesn’t know how to prep teeth, you’re not likely to have any better result.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Do Lumineers Cause Cavities?

I spoke to my dentist about the possibility of getting Lumineers. I really wanted to get a prettier smile. My dentist said he was certified in Lumineers but he’s only done them twice and will never do them again. He said both times his patients developed cavities underneath the Lumineers. Do they cause cavities? Do I have a chance of getting a pretty smile? How do the celebrities not get cavities under their Lumineers?

Franny W.

Dear Franny,

An advertisement for Lumineers

Here’s the thing about Lumineers. They’re marketed to inexperienced dentists. It appears your dentist is one of those. Lumineers is just a brand of porcelain veneers. The only way a patient can get a cavity from Lumineers is if your dentist doesn’t bond them on properly.

When the bond isn’t flush to the gums and correctly on the tooth, food can get trapped between the veneers and your teeth. That will lead to decay. I’m guessing that’s what happened with the two cases your dentist did.

You can get a beautiful smile with porcelain veneers, but probably not with this dentist.

How to Get a Beautiful Smile With or Without Lumineers

The key to a beautiful smile is a dentist with skill in giving smile makeovers. Ask to see before and after pictures of cases they’ve actually done. Make sure you like the type of results they’ve gotten. Additionally, make sure they will never permanently bond on any type of veneers without you seeing them with a temporary place and giving your approval that you like the results. This is a reasonable request and any true cosmetic dentist would consider it a no-brainer.

What about those patients who can’t afford porcelain veneers? Are they doomed to smiles that looked aged and exhausted? Absolutely not. The simple procedure of teeth whitening can take years off your appearance. It’s very affordable and if there are other things you want to improve, will give you something you’re proud of while you save up for veneers.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Can Lumineers Give Me a Smile Like Miley Cyrus?

I love Miley Cyrus’ smile. She’s my fav singer.  I’ve seen a Lumineers commercial that had a smile which looked a lot like Miley’s. Did she get that by Lumineers or is it natural? If I got Lumineers, could my smile look like hers?

Zoe D.

Dear Zoe,

I’m going to post two pictures of Miley Cyrus.

Miley Cyrus before smile makeover
Miley Cyrus 2006
Miley Cyrus after smile makeover
Miley Cyrus 2007

It’s obvious by the change in her smile from 2006 to 2007 that she’s had some type of porcelain veneers done, along with some possible gum contouring. Whether that was done with Lumineers or not is hard to know without her or her dentist giving out personal information. Lumineers are simply one brand of porcelain veneers. There are several brands, each having different pros and cons and will contribute different things to a smile design.

As to whether or not you can get a smile designed to look exactly like Miley Cyrus’, the answer is yes. Porcelain veneers can change the shape, size, and color of your teeth to create any look you want. Bear in mind that everyone’s facial shape and skin tone are different. That means while you may have the exact same smile design, no smile (no matter how identical) looks the same on every person.

Talk to your dentist about your desires. If he says he can’t do it, don’t pressure him. You won’t like the results. Instead, simply ask him to recommend a cosmetic dentist whom he thinks can. It doesn’t mean you’re switching dentists. It just means you’ll go to this new one for advanced cosmetic work and your regular dentist for everything else.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Groupon for Lumineers? Likely a Bad Idea

I’ve become a Groupon addict. We can get things we’ve never been able to afford through this marvelous group innovation. Today I saw a Groupon for Lumineers. The price is fantastic! I’ve always wanted to get my teeth more attractive and this looks like an ideal way to do it. I just wanted to check with a dentist first to get a professional opinion.

Lacey L.

Dear Lacey,

There are a few things to consider before you hit that “Deal” button. First, have you had a consultation to make sure you are a candidate for porcelain veneers? Not everyone is a candidate. If you purchase that deal and it turns out you can’t get them, there are no refunds.

Second, what do you know about the dentist who will do the work? Not all cosmetic dentists are created equal. Lumineers are a bit notorious for being marketed to inexperienced cosmetic dentists as being easy to place. This can lead to a poorly done smile makeover.

You’ll really want to research their ability to give a beautiful smile makeover. Ask to view some of their before and after photos of cases they’ve performed. They should have some type of smile gallery. This is generally examples of their absolute best work, so if you’re not thrilled with what you see, I certainly wouldn’t move forward.

Something else to consider is that Lumineers are just a brand of porcelain veneers. It may be that a different brand would produce better results for your particular smile.

While there are some areas of dentistry where it’s okay to just look for the most affordable dentist, cosmetic work isn’t one of them. You want to find the dentist who can give you the best smile possible. Groupon will limit you to this dentist offering the deal. So, do your due diligence to be sure you won’t end up with a lemon of a smile makeover.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Help! I Swallowed My Lumineers

I have had nothing but problems with my Lumineers makeover. Even the day I came home with my new smile, three of the six of them fell off.  I went straight back to the dentist and he put them back on.  They lasted a few weeks and came off again. He re-bonded them a second time.  They lasted a short time longer and then two more came off, but this time I accidentally swallowed them because I was in the middle of eating a birthday cake. I talked to my dentist, but he said he can’t bond them on if I don’t have them and wants me to pay for two more Lumineers. Is this right? Should they keep falling off like this?

Janice M.

Dear Janice,

Absolutely not! Your Lumineers should stay bonded onto your teeth. Even the word “bonding” indicates they should stay on.  Most dentists never have a veneer of any brand fall off, let alone constantly falling off every few weeks.

Your best bet, at this point, is to ask for a refund. He’s not given you the minimum of care, which is the procedure actually stays on.

If he gives you a problem with this, you can always tell him you’re going to get a second opinion of his work from another cosmetic dentist. Most dentists want to look good in front of their peers. He’ll likely be more willing to give you a refund if not doing so would be embarrassing to him.

One of the problems with Lumineers is they’re heavily marketed to inexperienced cosmetic dentists. As your dentist doesn’t even seem to know the basics of bonding, I’d say he falls into that category.

Don’t be surprised if whatever cosmetic dentist you end up after this one recommends a different brand. That’s okay. Lumineers is just one brand.  Find a dentist who has done beautiful work and trust them to know the best brand for your smile.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Dentist Won’t Give Me the Color Lumineers I Want

My dentist agreed to give me Lumineers. In fact, he even suggested it when I told him I was interested in remaking my smile. Our disagreement is about the color. I want them very white. But, he insists they need a stain or they won’t look natural. I don’t want to do this until we’re in agreement. Is there some way to convince him? Or is it the Lumineers that are the problem? Do I need a different brand?

Mandy B.

Dear Mandy,

I think you need a different dentist. He doesn’t seem to understand cosmetic dentistry. In dental school, we’re taught that a stain needs to be placed in order to make it look natural. But, let’s be honest, if you wanted your teeth to look natural, why would you get a smile makeover? Cosmetic dentistry is different than general dentistry. The key is to create the smile your patient wants. IF they want a bright, white smile, that’s what they should receive.

To answer your other question, you can achieve brightness with Lumineers or any other brand of porcelain veneers. You’ll probably need to find another dentist in order to accomplish this. Your dentist is too set in the older ways of doing things.

You can do a search for a cosmetic dentist in your area. Then ask to see some of their before and after pictures to see if you like the type of results they get with their cosmetic work. After that, I’d check with their reviews on some sites such as Google or Yelp. This will help you get an idea of they have a friendly chairside manner.

It’s perfectly fine to go to your regular dentist for all your general needs. Then go to someone else for more specialized cosmetic work.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.