My four year old has a cavity. The dentist wants to fill it. Why, when he’s just going to lose it anyway?
Becky K. – Texax
Much of that will depend on the type of tooth. If the cavity is small and on a tooth that is already quite loose then, yes, let nature take it’s course. But, if it is a tooth that’s going to be there for a while, especially one like a molar, than your pediatric dentist is right and it does need to be filled.
The cavity will spread and then become an abscess. IT might seem scary to give your four year old a filling, but that will be much less traumatic and painful than waiting until infection is set in and then he needs a pulpotomy.
If it is a molar and he ends up losing it, make sure your dentist puts a space maintainer there so his teeth don’t shift.
This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentists Drs. Kevin and Hillary Peck.