I’ve gotten one of my teeth prepped for a crown. At first there was some normal tenderness. That went away, but for some reaason now my lower left jaw (the side where the crown is being placed) is having a lot of pain. The pain is to the point that I have to take medicine. Is that normal?
Anthony H.- Cincinnati, OH
The type of pain you are describing is not normal after a dental crown preparation. It is possible the pain is coming from the tooth itself. If your tooth has already been through a significant amount of trauma, such as large fillings, the inflammation may not be reversible.
If that is the case, the best solution would be a root canal treatment. Your dentist will know best if that is the case. Either way, you’ll want to let your dentist know. He’ll probably coat your tooth with some type of desensitizer sealant on the surface of the dentin to try to get the pain to go away. Hopefully that is the solution.
This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Kevin Peck.