I’m in my late thirties and have never been the best at taking care of my teeth. I have been without dental insurance for the last couple of years, and, therefore, haven’t had a checkup in well over that amount of time.
I am a contract employee, which means I don’t have dental insurance, and, recently, found myself without any work. The nature of my unemployment status has me under more stress than ever before and I’m discovering that I am grinding my teeth when I sleep. In fact, I think I may have a cracked tooth because of the grinding.
I am certain I have a myriad of other dental issues which need addressed, since I haven’t been seen for quite some time. I know that I can’t put dental care off any longer, but am concerned about the cost, since I don’t have dental insurance.
Is it even possible to find a cheap dentist who does quality work?
Thank you,
Dear Erica,
It sounds like you’ve been experiencing a run of bad luck. Unfortunately, searching for a cheap dentist will likely yield cheap care. If you seek dentists that are promoting the fact that they offer cheaper rates than their competitors, you will more than likely get what you pay for. Your treatment could be quick and rushed, the quality of care could be less, or you could be one of several patients being seen at the same time.
The best route to take is to try to focus your search on finding a quality dentist, who does a great job, yet is within your budget parameters. There are several considerations when doing this.
What to Consider When Looking for an Affordable Dentist
You mentioned not having dental insurance. One option to consider is getting dental insurance of your own. Many of the major insurance providers offer policies similar to what you would have through an employer. It just isn’t subsidized, as it would be with an employer. You would likely pay something in the range of $50 per month, maybe more, maybe less. If this is something to consider, don’t wait, as many policies require a specific waiting period.
Another consideration is looking into a practices that offers financial arrangements. Some offices offer discounts for cash paying customers who pay in full. Many offices offer financing options through programs such as CareCredit. CareCredit is a program which offers no interest payment plans for a specified period of time.
A third option to consider is arranging your dental procedures in an order which allows you to budget for them. Ask the dentist which procedures are priority and should be addressed soon, then stager the remaining procedures.
Finally, you are right to want to take care of the teeth grinding, before any major problems begin to occur. Grinding teeth can wear your teeth down greatly, causing a need for crowns and fillings. It can also cause teeth to break, or loosen, and can ultimately cause jaw issues. All of which will become worse if left untreated. If your grinding your teeth at night, be sure to address this with a dentist, as you could be fitted for a night guard.
If you are grinding your teeth during the day, due to stress-inducing clenching or grinding, this is different. Because it is impractical to leave a night guard in all day and night, there are other techniques that can help to prevent daytime grinding. Many people have good luck learning to practice techniques of mindfulness and relaxation. Therefore, if you find yourself beginning to clench your jaw, or grind your teeth during the waking hours, you could try to think of something that relaxes you, or meditate briefly.
Many of these considerations will allow you to address your dental needs with a quality, affordable dentist, which staying within your budget.
Good luck!
This blog article is provided by the office of Phoenix affordable dentist, Dr. Hillary Peck.