I writing this so others can learn from my experience:
It’s been a long time since I visited a dentist. Since my teeth always looked and felt fine, I never made it a point to go. When I started to have slight sensitivity in one area while eating and drinking I shrugged it off. That sensitivity turned into full-blown pain. Eating, drinking, silent or taking it throbbed. The pain woke me at night, and it was really starting to make me suffer. I knew I had to get to a dentist, but was afraid of what the outcome would be. Money is tight, and I know dentistry can be expensive. I was afraid of what they would tell me, and worse…how much it would cost.
My fears had come to fruition when I was told by my dentist I needed a root canal and then crown. I had dental insurance, but knew they covered but a minimal portion. Right away my mind wandered to what I can do to remedy this pain without going through the process of these “expensive” procedures. I asked if I could just medicate it, or better yet, if we could just pull it. As the doctor explained why those wasn’t an option, and proceeded to tell me how we could salvage the tooth, and make it fully functional, I was happy to hear of what the outcome could be. While this sounded good, I still was concerned with what my out-of-pocket cost would be, and if I could afford it. My panic heightened when the office staff informed me of my estimate, based on my insurance covering 50% of one procedure and even less on the other. Then they informed me of ways to have this work done and make it affordable. Procedures like the root canal and the crown are usually done in two office visits or more. They are spaced out over a couple of weeks, on a case by case basis. This space in office visits allowed me to segment my payments to the office, which alleviated the burden of cost. They also offered me financing through a third party. These companies that issue “health care credit cards” allowed me to receive the treatment I needed while paying monthly payments at my choosing (within their guidelines of course). I was happy to know that I didn’t have to put off treatment, and could get what I needed today, and in the future.
I’ve learned not to wait until you’re in pain to go to the dentist. Though I haven’t changed my preconceived notion that it is expensive, I’ve learned that most offices give you options to make it work. No matter how bad it may seem, it’s fixable…and yes, you can afford it.
~Carol L.- Milwaukee