Tag Archives: porcelain veneers

I Can’t Afford to Improve My Smile

I went to see my dentist about improving the look of my smile. My children are all grown and I want to enter back into the work force. My smile has yellowed over the years. Plus, my teeth are crooked in some places. My dentist suggested I get porcelain veneers and said that it would fix both problems. Unfortunately, this is way too expensive for me. Is there an affordable way to improve my smile?


Dear Amy,

Teeth whitening trays
Teeth Whitening Trays

I am glad you wrote. While porcelain veneers are a great way to get that Hollywood smile, it is certainly not the only way to improve your smile. No matter what your budget, it is always a good idea to get all of your options before making your decision.

A great option for you, that will save you thousands of dollars, is to use a combination of Invisalign and teeth whitening. If your dentist does not offer Invisalign, you can go to another dentist or to have that done. Just be sure to ask your dentist for some professional teeth whitening gel.

You can wear those in your aligners , which enables you to straighten and whiten your teeth at the same time. That will save you additional money.

When it comes to porcelain veneers, you would only want an expert cosmetic dentist to do them, and would definitely NOT want to price shop. However, both teeth whitening and Invisalign can be done by any dentist that offers them. I would call around and find an affordable dentist that offers what you need.

This blog is brought to you by Scottsdale Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.

Are Lumineers Reversible?

I want to get a smile makeover and went to see my dentist. He suggested that I use Lumineers because that means I won’t have to take off any tooth structure. I like that idea but he hasn’t done many of these cases. I know that because I asked. If I don’t like the way it ends up, is it reversible?


Dear Abigail,

Image of a Lumineers advertisement

I am glad you wrote before going through with this procedure. I am always leery when a dentist recommends Lumineers. This particular brand of Lumineers is highly marketed to inexperienced cosmetic dentists as being easy to place. Unfortunately, that is not true. While they are considered no-prep veneers, very few smiles look good without some type of tooth preparation. Instead, they look bulky.

However, let’s address your actual question. Are they reversible? If by reversible you mean the Lumineers can be removed and your teeth will go back to normal and you can get your money back, the answer is no.

If by reversible you mean that you can redo them with a different dentist and pay for it twice, then sure!

Your best bet, in a situation like this, is to find an experienced cosmetic dentist who can do the job well. Most of them will not recommend Lumineers, but a different brand of porcelain veneers. However, if you want to give your dentist a chance, there is a way you can give him some experience without risking your smile makeover turning out badly.

If your dentist is willing to only permanently bond the Lumineers or other brand of porcelain veneers on AFTER you approve them and are thrilled with them, then you should be okay. Here’s how that can work.

Your veneers come back from the lab. Then, your dentist places them with a temporary try in paste and you get to look at them in a variety of different lightings. If you don’t love it, then he sends it back to the lab to make changes. He should be willing to do this as many times as it takes. The upside for him is that it gives him a LOT of practice.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.

How Do I Find a Lumineers Expert?

I am planning to get a smile makeover and have seen a lot of advertisements for Lumineers. The cost is pretty high. I’m assuming there is some kind of way to tell if there is expertise. I saw there are certified Lumineers dentists. I just wanted to make sure before I dropped thousands of dollars.


Dear Emily,

Image of a Lumineers advertisement

I am glad you wrote. You show a good sense of critical thinking, which is a rapidly depleting resource these days. Being Lumineers certified does not necessarily equate to being an expert. It means the dentist completed a seminar with the Lumineers company. It says nothing about their technical knowledge or expertise.

You should also be aware that Lumineers is just one brand of porcelain veneers. This particular brand is highly marketed to inexperienced cosmetic dentists as being easy to place. While they may be easy to place, that says nothing about them being easy to make both natural looking and beautiful.

Whatever dentist you go to, make certain that they are willing to place your porcelain veneers with a temporary try in paste first. If you’re not happy with them, they should send them back to the lab to make changes before permanently bonding them on.

If they are serious about cosmetic dentistry, they should also have a brag book of sorts with before and after images of patients who they have done work for.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.

Lumineers for Discolored Fillings?

I had a couple of dental fillings on my upper teeth that just do not match my teeth. I’ve tried bleach, which had no affect of them, Additionally, brushing makes no difference, though I will do it anyway for hygienic reasons. I really like my smile, except for that one issue. My dentist is suggesting Lumineers. While they are expensive, if that is what will make my smile the same color I am willing to pay it.


Dear Cassie,

Image of a Lumineers advertisement

I would not allow your dentist to place Lumineers. These should be reserved for a complete smile makeover. Additionally, they are just one brand of porcelain veneers.

While Lumineers can be done well, most cosmetic dentists prefer a different brand of porcelain veneers. This is because the Lumineers lab is not always known for their artistic results.

Also, you mentioned you loved your smile with the exception of the difference in color. Therefore, porcelain veneers, no matter which brand, would be a massive overtreatment.

Plus, your dentist struggled to match the fillings. This tells me he does not have much expertise in cosmetic work. You would likely be disappointed in his results.

The solution for discolored dental fillings is to replace the fillings. The truth is the composite bonding used for fillings can be made to match any color if the dentist knows what they are doing and has the materials.

You will save yourself a lot of money and grief just going to a dentist who can match your dental fillings to your natural teeth.

If you want your teeth any whiter than they currently are, just make sure you whiten your teeth before having the dental fillings replaced. As you learned in your efforts to match the current ones to your teeth, teeth whitening does not have any impact on dental work. It will only whiten natural tooth structure.

I hope this helps.
This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.
See why Dr. Peck is considered an affordable dentist.

I Hate My Smile but Have No Money to Fix It

I never got to go to the dentist growing up. My teeth are mostly healthy, though there is one cavity I haven’t taken care of yet. My bigger problem is how my smile looks. These days, everyone is expected to have a celebrity smile and I feel like some kind of imp that needs to hide in a cave.

I priced porcelain veneers, which is what everyone says is the procedure for smile makeovers. The cost is astronomical. If I owned a house, I’d have to sell it. Is there any affordable way to get a pretty smile?


Dear Amanda,

Teeth whitening trays
Teeth Whitening Trays

While porcelain veneers are a fantastic way to improve the appearance of your smile. One of the best and most affordable things you can do to improve your smile is with teeth whitening. It can make you look decades younger (though I do not know your age). It generally only costs a few hundred dollars as opposed to the thousands of dollars needed for porcelain veneers.

It is also one of those procedures that does not require any special post-doctoral training. Pretty much any dentist can do it. That also means you can shop around and find the most affordable dentist in your area to do it. Just be sure to do it right after having a check up and cleaning. Otherwise the results will be splotchy. Most dentists require a cleaning for that reason.

I want to also address the cavity you mentioned. If you are trying to save money, taking care of this cavity right away with a dental filling is the best way to do that. Filling a cavity costs significantly less than letting it grow and need a dental crown. If it gets beyond the need for a crown, then you have to extract the tooth and pay for a tooth replacement. The most affordable dentistry is preventive dentistry.

The last thing you want is for this to turn into a dental emergency.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.

The Best Way to Fix My Nephews Smile?

I am gifting my nephew some braces for his graduation. However, his dentist told him that would take three years and if he just got Lumineers he could have a a smile makeover in two appointments. However, for eighteen teeth, it will cost about $18,000. He told him it would last for 20 years. I’m worried my nephew is being used for his dentist’s profit. What should I tell him?


Dear Meghan,

I share your concern. Even if he did get Lumineers, and we’ll talk about why that makes me leery in a moment, his dentist is talking about doing both arches. Generally, that is overkill. The general procedure is teeth whitening and then to put Lumineers on the upper eight to ten teeth. The remainder of your teeth aren’t as visible, even when you smile so teeth whitening blends them to the designed teeth.

My other concern is the Lumineers. This is a brand of porcelain veneers that are typically marketed to inexperienced cosmetic dentists as being easy to place. That does not mean they are easy to make attractive. I would want to see what type of results he gets on cases he’s actually done. There are many brands of porcelain veneers experienced cosmetic dentists prefer.

The twenty years longevity on them completely depends on how well they are cared for and whether adequate upkeep is done. If it isn’t, they can lose their attractiveness in as few as 5-7 years.

My suggestion, especially as you had only planned on doing orthodontics is for you to look at Invisalign. They can straighten his teeth in 6 to 12 months and he can whiten his teeth at the same time as Invisalign is being done.

If you decide to go with porcelain veneers, please check that the dentist knows how to do them beautifully.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.

Is this how Lumineers Should Go?

I have a question about the Lumineers process because I am afraid that I am being ripped off. I paid up front and it was a LOT. The dentist did the impressions after the tooth preparation was done. Then, we were told it would take two weeks for the Lumineers to come in.

Here is what has me worried. At the two week mark, the dentist called and told me that the lab had contacted her. They said that there was a problem with the impressions and they have to be redone, which means coming back in and starting over.

Is this normal or should I be concerned?


Dear Katie,

I am glad you wrote because this is not normal and I am a bit concerned. I don’t think your dentist is necessarily trying to rip you off. I just think that she is in over her head. I doubt you will be happy with the results.

While it is not uncommon for a dentist to have a bad set of impressions from time to time, here is what is bothersome.

First, your dentist did not recognize that the impressions were bad. The lab should not have needed to tell her that. She should have recognized it and been proactive. Now maybe she thought, “Well, they’re not great but they may be good enough.” Here is the problem with that. Do you want a dentist who is doing your smile makeover, which you paid a fortune for, to think “good enough” is what you want? People who come in for smile makeovers want something gorgeous.

Second, for the lab to call her and tell her that the impressions need to be redone means that they were unusable. That should have been easily recognizable by her.

Third, why wait the full two weeks? Was it a matter of she kept telling the lab to try to work with them when they first called early on because she was too prideful to call you? This is not a good sign either.

Lumineers, which are just one brand of porcelain veneers, are routinely and heavily marketed to inexperienced cosmetic dentists as being easy to place. Believe me, nothing is easy about porcelain veneers.

My recommendation is that you tell your dentist you want a full refund and then find a dentist who has more expertise in cosmetic work. Make sure you ask to see before and after pictures of work they’ve done.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.

Don’t Be Fooled By 360 Veneers

I asked my dentist to provide me with Lumineers for my smile makeover. I’d been saving up for it for quite some time. At the appointment, he told me I would be a better candidate for 360 wrap veneers and not only would I really like the results, but they’d be more secure because they wrap around the whole tooth. My one concern (other than that they look good) is the amount of tooth structure that would have to be removed. It’s one of the reasons I wanted Lumineers. I asked about how much structure they’d need to remove and they said, “Hardly any.” Fast forward and while the smile looks okay, the veneers keep falling off. I was shocked to see my teeth were little nubs underneath them the first time it happened. My problem is it is happening too frequently. I wasn’t aware this would be an issue. While my dentist always puts them back on free of charge, I always get a lecture about what I’m eating. I assure you that I have tried to be very careful with them. Sometimes they just fall off while I’m doing nothing. I’m too nervous to go anywhere. Is there anything that can be done to keep these in? Is there a special extra hardy cement out there?


Dear Evelyn,

I’m going to tell you right up front that your dentist has misled you on two fronts. Not only that, he appears to be incompetent in his job. Before getting into why these are falling off, I want to begin with the lies you were told. To say that he or she is ethically challenged would be a bit generous.

Let’s start with the obvious one. You asked how much tooth structure would need to be removed and they said hardly any. You discovered their lie the first time one fell off. If your teeth are now little nubs, that is not “hardly any.”

This feeds us right into another deception. He told you that you were a better candidate for 360 wrap veneers. I hate telling you this, but that does not exist. ANY brand of porcelain veneers, including the Lumineers you originally asked for, will just cover the front and hug the sides just a bit.

I believe what he gave you are dental crowns. These do wrap completely around the tooth. Above, I have an image of the type of teeth preparation needed for dental crowns versus porcelain veneers. I bet yours look a lot like the crown tooth preparation.

Unfortunately, now that he has removed the tooth structure, there is no getting it back and you will have to have dental crowns for the remainder of your life.

Can This Be Fixed?

The short answer is yes. However, you are not going to be able to do this through your dentist. Besides, how could you trust him? One of the first things dentists learn to do in dental school is a dental crown.

It sounds like your dentist struggles with even basic dentistry. Most dentists will go their entire careers without having a dental crown fall out. Yours cannot seem to keep them in.

My recommendation is you ask him for a complete refund on the procedure. If he complains or argues about that, tell him that you will be suing him for malpractice and taking the issue to the dental board as well, if he prefers. That should sober him up.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.

Are Lumineers Bad For Your Teeth?

I’ve been looking into my smile makeover options and was excited about the prospect of Lumineers because my dentist told me they don’t require any grinding down of your teeth. However, as I’ve looked online, I see a lot of mixed information about them. Some love them and some say that they destroyed their smile. Should I be concerned?


Dear Alexis,

An advertisement for Lumineers

Lumineers won’t destroy your smile on their own. That is why there are mixed reviews. If you have a dentist who is skilled in cosmetic dentistry, then you have a better chance at a successful outcome than if you have a dentist who hasn’t invested a lot of time and training in learning cosmetic work.

That being said, there are two big problems with Lumineers. The first is that they are heavily marketed to inexperienced cosmetic dentists as being easy to place because they are ultra thin, which Lumineers says makes them no-prep.

While an occasional smile can get away with a no-prep makeover, most need at least some tooth preparation or else the smile ends up looking bulky. Some have even described it as having horse teeth.

Your dentist was mistaken in saying that your teeth will need to be ground down with another brand. That is simply not the case. The only procedure that would require your teeth to be ground down is with dental crowns. For porcelain veneers, you only need about the depth of a fingernail gently shaved to make room for the porcelain veneers.

Your dentist’s claim gives me pause to think he is not experienced enough in cosmetic dentistry to give you a beautiful result.

The second issue with Lumineers is their lab. The company that owns them forces dentists to use their lab, which is not known for producing beautiful results.

In your place, I would not worry about the brand as much as the dentist. Ask to see some before and after pictures of porcelain veneer procedures they’ve done. If you like their results, you should be fine. Then, let them pick the brand that will give you the look you want.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.

Lumineers Disaster. What Should She Do?

I have a situation. I spent a ton of money getting Lumineers on my top six teeth. When I first went in, I told this dentist that I have had two dental bonding procedures done on my teeth that has made them look a bit bulky and I’d like that to be corrected with my Lumineers. The dentist assured me the Lumineers people knew exactly what they were doing. They did provide an image of what my smile would look like when they were completed and I was really excited about that. However, the result turned out nothing like expected. The closest I can explain it is saying I now have horse teeth. They are bulky and I have a huge overbite. My top teeth actually come out to the middle of my lower lip. They told me my muscles would adjust. I’ve been in tears since they bonded it. Is there any way to get my money back?


Dear Catherine,

Lumineers Advertisement

I cringed when I read your dentist’s comment that the Lumineers people will know exactly what to do. There are two things wrong with that statement. First, it is the dentist who is supposed to know exactly what to do and give the laboratory specific instructions. Think about it like a doctor writing a prescription and the pharmacy filling that prescription. If the doctor writes the wrong prescription, there is no way for the pharmacist to know that. They can only do what they’ve been told. Second, the laboratory that does Lumineers’ work is not known for its beautiful results.

Getting a refund, however, could be tricky. Because cosmetic dentistry is not a recognized specialty, which means it is judged by the standards of general dentistry. That means to get a refund, it doesn’t matter what the results look like, but rather whether or not the smile is functional. If it is, all you can do is appeal to your dentist’s sense of pride in his or her work. If that doesn’t matter to them, I would tell them you’ll be posting a review about how they don’t care whether their “smile makeovers” are attractive or even feel comfortable in or mouth.

I’m sorry for what you went through.
This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.