My 6 year old was recently at the pediatric dentist and it was discovered that he has two cavities. Even though my son is cooperative, the dentist says she has to use amalgam fillings because she won’t be able to keep my son’s mouth dry enough to use the tooth-colored ones. I told her that I’m not comfortable with putting mercury in my child’s mouth, but she insists it’s safe and that since these are baby teeth, they will fall out soon anyway. I don’t know what to do. Do I need to find a new pediatric dentist, can I take my son to my regular dentist or do I need to find some sort of specialty dentist?
Thank you,
Emilia- Ft. Worth, TX
Dear Emilia,
There’s a growing movement in dentistry to end the use of amalgam fillings and many people share the same concerns as you. However, both the FDA and the ADA agree that amalgam fillings pose no risk to your health and they are still a viable solution in situations like your son’s.
As your pediatric dentist explained, in order for composite fillings (the tooth-colored ones) to adhere properly, the tooth needs to stay dry. Even the most well behaved child can become fidgety during a procedure. Something as simple as your son slightly moving his tongue can contaminate the filling preparation and will require that the dentist start over or, if it goes unnoticed, will weaken the bond. This means that a composite filling may not be a long-term solution, as the filling may fall out and the child will have to continually return to have it replaced. For this reason, some dentists feel that providing a composite filling is a substandard treatment and will not do them in these situations.
That being said, you are the child’s mother. You must do what you feel is best for your son. If you are still uncomfortable with amalgam fillings and your pediatric dentist will not consider doing composites, your only real option is to find a dentist who will. This is truly a matter of the dentist’s preference. I wouldn’t insist your dentist do the procedure, because she probably can’t and will not say that to you. That will put your son’s treatment at risk. You may find success in another pediatric dental practice, in a general office or in a holistic office. Go wherever you feel most comfortable. Best of luck to you and your son.
This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Kevin Peck.