Category Archives: Dental implants

Missing Lateral Incisor

I have always had a missing lateral incisor. My dentist provided me with braces in order to move the teeth into a proper position. Then, once my orthodontics were completed I was given a dental flipper. It’s been okay, but I would really like something more permanent. My dentist is recommending I get a dental bridge. I’m not crazy about that idea because he told me that it means placing dental crowns on two more teeth. Is there something else you can recommend for me?


Dear Camille,

A comparison of a dental bridge next to a dental implant

I am glad you wrote. There is definitely a better solution. The best tooth replacement is a dental implant. This puts a prosthetic tooth root into the bone. Then, after a period of time where the bone integrates with the implant, a dental crown will be placed on the implant. This is the closest thing to having a natural tooth in your mouth.

A dental bridge would only make sense if you were not a good candidate for a dental implant, but you didn’t even mention that your dentist brought up implants, so I don’t think that is the problem. There is a possibility that, because of how long that space has been empty, you may need some bone grafting done first because of the mineral resorption. It will be worth it.

The other reason for getting a dental bridge would be if something was wrong with your adjacent teeth. Then, you could take care of two problems at once. If one of those aren’t an issue, then I would stick with the dental implant.

It sounds like your dentist is steering you toward a dental bridge because he does not know how to do a dental implant. Don’t try to push him into doing it. This requires post-doctoral training. You don’t want him doing a procedure because he doesn’t want to admit he doesn’t have the experience. It’s not a recognized specialty, so technically any dentist can do it, but you really want a dentist who knows what they’re doing. There are some dental implant horror stories and you do not want to be one of them. Simply find a different dentist to do this procedure. It doesn’t mean you have to switch dentists completely.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.

My Bite Doesn’t Line Up After My Implant Bridge

I had a bridge made with two dental implants that replaced four teeth. The weird thing is when I bite down one side of my mouth, my bite reaches my teeth (on the left), but the other side of my bite isn’t touching. I hope that makes sense. It feels weird to me and I wonder if it is supposed to be like that. I went to two doctors to have this done. First an oral surgeon. When he was done with the implants, he referred me to a dentist for the implant crowns. I’m not sure which doctor I would even go to if something is wrong.


Dear Jan,

dental implant illustration

It would be hard to tell you exactly what is wrong without examining you, but I do have some advice. First, this isn’t normal. Your bite should line up on both side at the same time. This is important to fix or it will lead to TMJ Disorder.

One thing that concerns me the most is that you said the surgeon decided on the placement of the dental implants and you didn’t see the restorative dentist until after that was done.

It is standard practice and an established principle of implant dentistry for the restorative dentist to be the one to determine the placement of the implants, NOT the surgeon. He violated the standard of care here.

I am going to recommend you see an expert implant dentist. Have them look at your implants and if they tell you they were placed incorrectly, you will need to have them redone. The good news with that is your oral surgeon will be liable for this repair.

However, do not just ask for a refund. As a result of removing the implants you will need some bone grafting done too, so instead he needs to pay the cost of redoing the case, including the grafting.

One tip when getting this opinion. Do not tell them who the surgeon or the dentist was. The dental world is a small one and they probably know one another. Instead, just tell him you want an unbiased opinion on what is wrong with your dental implants.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.

She’s PLaying with Fire with This Tooth Infection

I have an impacted wisdom tooth that is slightly infected. My ears hurt as a result. My dentist wants to take it out, which I’m fine with but I want him to take out that tooth and a tooth next to it that had a root canal treatment. He is refusing to take out the tooth with the root canal. I am likely going to wait until he changes his mind because I don’t want to go back and have the second procedure later, as I’m sure I will have to. I’d rather do them both at the same time. Is there any advice you can give me in the meantime?


Dear Pamela,

I haven’t seen your x-rays, but I can’t imagine a dentist leaving an infected tooth in your mouth. He’d get to charge you for two extractions instead of one which could only bring him money. The only reason for him not to do that is because he has integrity. That is something to be thankful for.

My guess is nothing is wrong with the adjacent tooth so he doesn’t want to extract it unnecessarily.

Let’s say he did extract it, though. Unlike your wisdom tooth, the adjacent tooth would need to be replaced. Then, you are talking about needing to get a dental implant, something else your dentist could make money off of.

Don’t Wait on This Extraction

Unless there is something you haven’t mentioned to me, this tooth isn’t infected. If you continue to wait on the wisdom tooth extraction, you are putting yourself in danger.

Dental infections are considered dental emergencies because of their tendency to spread when left untreated. Think about how close your jaw is to your lungs, heart, and brain. You wouldn’t want an infection to end up there.

The fact that your ear is already hurting means it has started to spread. Please don’t put this off any longer.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.

Why Are My Gums Gray After Dental Implants?

I need some advice. I’ve been looking forward to getting dental implants for a long time. But, now that I have them, the gums look gray. I don’t know what to do. Why is this happening? Did I get faulty materials?

Lisa A.

Dear Lisa,

Phoenix Dentists who do Dental Implants

It is not a matter of faulty material. An important consideration when implants are placed is the thickness of the surrounding gum tissue. That is especially important when you’re putting implants on front teeth. If they are not ideally placed, you end up with a situation like yours because the posts are made of metal and will show through. These days, we have zirconia and ceramic implants which are metal-free and don’t have that same issue.

In your place, I’d go see a dentist with some expertise in dental implants to get a second opinion. He’ll be able to give you solid solutions. Without an examination, it would dangerous for me to tell you what to do. If it’s determined that your dentist poorly placed the implants, you could get your money back. That may mean doing the procedure over, but you’d end up with solid teeth AND a beautiful smile.

Make sure you DO NOT tell the second opinion dentist who your original dentist was. If they’re pals, he might hesitate to say he did something wrong.

Making Your Smile More Beautiful with Dental Implants

I’m a firm believer in making something positive out of a negative. If it turns out you have to start over, use this as an excuse to give yourself a cosmetic treat. Once your implant crowns are made, their color can’t be changed. This would be the time to get your teeth whitened. Then, your new implant crowns can be made the same beautiful color.

Now, not only do you have stable new teeth, they’re also gorgeous and take years off your appearance.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Why am I drooling?

I recently got a snake bite piercing. Since then I’ve been drooling like nuts. Is this from the piercing? I’ve never drooled before.

Kevin B.- Pine Bluff, AR


It is very likely the drooling is a result of the snake bite piercing. Here’s why. Any type of oral piercing will stimulate your salivary glands. This can lead to excessive drooling. This is a common risk factor with oral piercings.

You may also want to look out for some of these other possible risk factors:

  • Tooth & Gum Irritations: Depending on the positioning of the piercing, it could wear down the enamel on your teeth. You will also need to be proactive with your oral hygiene because if it rubs against your gums it will not only cause irritation, but could lead to gum recession and periodontal disease.
  • Bacterial Infections: Though inflammation is normal after an oral piercing, it should go down within a few days. If it doesn’t,  you need to be seen by a doctor. The ADA (American Dental Association) have documented an increased risk for bacterial infections in those with oral piercings. It is not just from transference during the procedure, but rather because our mouths are loaded with bacteria.  When you introduce a new open area, you increase the opportunities for the bacteria to spread.
  • Allergic reaction: Many people are allergic to various types of metals. If you’re having any type of reaction such as itching, redness, burning, swelling, or rash, see your doctor immediately. Allergies are serious and need to be dealt with.
  • Speech impediments: If the piercing keeps you from closing your lips completely,that will lead to speech impediments.
You may also be interested in learning about porcelain crowns.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Emergency Dentist Dr. Kevin Peck.


Mini Dental Implant or Traditional Dental Implant?

I have a broken, abscessed tooth which I need to have extracted and then replaced with an implant. I have an implant for another tooth and while I’m appreciative to have it, I don’t care for how it looks aesthetically. Now that I need another implant (10 years after the last one), I’m deciding between a mini-implant and a regular implant. Does anyone have any advice on which to pick?

Thanks, Katlin

Dear Katlin,

Mini dental implants are used more to support dentures or partials. Some dentists have used mini implants for single missing teeth in the anterior region if the area is too small to place a traditional implant. The difference between the mini and the traditional implant is the diameter of the implant.  Mini dental implants are smaller in diameter and are a solid one piece titanium alloy screw, therefore less expensive than the standard implant. If you have plenty of bone and enough room to place one, most dentists will recommend the traditional dental implant because it will be more durable in the long run.

In regards to your dissatisfaction of your existing dental implant, it is vital that when you have implants placed to make sure you are going to a dentist that has the proper training and credentials to do this type of surgical procedure. Crowns that are placed over a dental implant are totally determined by the placement of the implant, so if the implant is not placed in the correct position there is only so much your restorative dentist can do to maintain or increase aesthetics. Have the implant evaluated and see if a custom angled abutment can be used to help correct the implant or you may be able to have a new crown made. We recommend you have a consultation with a cosmetic dentist to find out your options.

This post is courtesy of Peck Family Dentistry, P.C.