Tag Archives: Mini Implant vs Traditional Dental Implant

Mini Dental Implant or Traditional Dental Implant?

I have a broken, abscessed tooth which I need to have extracted and then replaced with an implant. I have an implant for another tooth and while I’m appreciative to have it, I don’t care for how it looks aesthetically. Now that I need another implant (10 years after the last one), I’m deciding between a mini-implant and a regular implant. Does anyone have any advice on which to pick?

Thanks, Katlin

Dear Katlin,

Mini dental implants are used more to support dentures or partials. Some dentists have used mini implants for single missing teeth in the anterior region if the area is too small to place a traditional implant. The difference between the mini and the traditional implant is the diameter of the implant.  Mini dental implants are smaller in diameter and are a solid one piece titanium alloy screw, therefore less expensive than the standard implant. If you have plenty of bone and enough room to place one, most dentists will recommend the traditional dental implant because it will be more durable in the long run.

In regards to your dissatisfaction of your existing dental implant, it is vital that when you have implants placed to make sure you are going to a dentist that has the proper training and credentials to do this type of surgical procedure. Crowns that are placed over a dental implant are totally determined by the placement of the implant, so if the implant is not placed in the correct position there is only so much your restorative dentist can do to maintain or increase aesthetics. Have the implant evaluated and see if a custom angled abutment can be used to help correct the implant or you may be able to have a new crown made. We recommend you have a consultation with a cosmetic dentist to find out your options.

This post is courtesy of Peck Family Dentistry, P.C.