Missing Lateral Incisor

I have always had a missing lateral incisor. My dentist provided me with braces in order to move the teeth into a proper position. Then, once my orthodontics were completed I was given a dental flipper. It’s been okay, but I would really like something more permanent. My dentist is recommending I get a dental bridge. I’m not crazy about that idea because he told me that it means placing dental crowns on two more teeth. Is there something else you can recommend for me?


Dear Camille,

A comparison of a dental bridge next to a dental implant

I am glad you wrote. There is definitely a better solution. The best tooth replacement is a dental implant. This puts a prosthetic tooth root into the bone. Then, after a period of time where the bone integrates with the implant, a dental crown will be placed on the implant. This is the closest thing to having a natural tooth in your mouth.

A dental bridge would only make sense if you were not a good candidate for a dental implant, but you didn’t even mention that your dentist brought up implants, so I don’t think that is the problem. There is a possibility that, because of how long that space has been empty, you may need some bone grafting done first because of the mineral resorption. It will be worth it.

The other reason for getting a dental bridge would be if something was wrong with your adjacent teeth. Then, you could take care of two problems at once. If one of those aren’t an issue, then I would stick with the dental implant.

It sounds like your dentist is steering you toward a dental bridge because he does not know how to do a dental implant. Don’t try to push him into doing it. This requires post-doctoral training. You don’t want him doing a procedure because he doesn’t want to admit he doesn’t have the experience. It’s not a recognized specialty, so technically any dentist can do it, but you really want a dentist who knows what they’re doing. There are some dental implant horror stories and you do not want to be one of them. Simply find a different dentist to do this procedure. It doesn’t mean you have to switch dentists completely.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.