Tag Archives: bone grafting

Affordable Options for Securing a Lower Denture

Hi, I’ve got problems and I’d love answers. I’ve had dentures for over five years, and my lower one drives me up a wall! It floats around, clacks whenever I eat or talk, and never feels tight or stays put. I have to use adhesive every single day to be able to bear it. The upper one is fine, and I like the way they look, but I just can’t stand the looseness of the lower one any longer.

I can’t afford implants, but I was told by a friend that there may be other, more affordable methods of securing my lower denture, she said her dentist was talking about them. So is this true? What are my options?


Dear Dennis,

Mini Implant compared with a traditional dental implant

Sorry to hear your lower denture is giving you such a difficult time! It sounds frustrating. Glad your upper plate is doing well. While conventional implants can be costly, your friend may have been correct: you likely have other more affordable dental options.

Why Don’t Lower Complete Dentures Fit As Well As Uppers?

Many patients wonder why their lower complete denture is looser than or doesn’t seem to fit as well as their upper. This is common and is due to your bone levels. When teeth are extracted, a ridge of alveolar bone is left behind. That’s what your dentures are fit to. This ridge acts as retention for your denture. The upper denture is fabricated to fit over this ridge, around the arch, and across most of the roof of the mouth. This extra span against the palate gives the upper denture “suction”, which holds it tightly in place.

The lower denture does not have this extra coverage and relies completely on the bone. Plus, the longer you are in dentures, the more bone you lose on your lower jaw through resorption. Depending upon the anatomy of the patient’s ridge, mandibular dentures may tend to be looser and may lift, “float”, or move around in the patient’s mouth.

What Can Be Done?

As you no doubt know, conventional endosteal implants can be cost-prohibitive for some. Many people don’t realize there are options such as what are known as “mini-implants”: small, pin-shaped implants that are easily placed and do not need to be inserted as far into the bone as the former. These are generally a bit more reasonable economically, as well. These small implants are placed into the lower ridge, allowed to heal, and the denture is re-lined to fit (or “snap”) down over them. This holds the denture firmly in place, and many people love them. You can have snap-on dentures with as few as two mini implants.

Barring this, you may want to look into having the denture relined. Being as it’s been over five years since you’ve received it, your bone and soft tissues have surely changed and shifted in this time. Asking your dentist for either an in-office or lab-fabricated reline may be the answer: a current, custom fit might just bring about the retention you need. Best of luck to you in your journey toward a better fit!

Just bear in mind, the longer you are in complete dentures, the more bone you lose, so you may want to save up for one of the better treatment options for several years down the line.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.

I think I was conned by an “affordable dentist”

I needed a couple of teeth replaced. The quote my dentist gave me for implants was higher than I could afford, especially because he said I’d need some bone grafting done first.  I called around to several dentists and they all said the same thing.  I was about to give up and settle on a removable partial denture, which was heart-rending for me.  Right before I scheduled the procedure, a friend recommended her dentist who didn’t require bone grafting.  I talked with him and he said he could do the procedure without the grafting and at half the price the other dentists quoted. I was so excited!!  Now, here I am many thousands of dollars later and both my implants have fallen out!! The whole thing, right out of my mouth.  Was I taken in? Are there no affordable dental implants and he was just trying to get my money?

Bella B. – Cincinnati


The problem isn’t looking for an affordable dentist. There are affordable dentists out there who do great, quality work. Then, there are those who do just about anything to draw in business, yet keep their profits up. Those aren’t affordable dentists as much as cheap. 

 It sounds to me like the one you chose, said what you wanted to hear in order to get your business.  Mind you, I say that without having examined you, which may be unfair.

However, if both implants just fell out of your mouth, that hints to me one of two things.  1. You DID need bone grafting surgery.  Your teeth are held in your jaw by the bone that surrounds the root.  Without enough jawbone, your implant procedure was doomed to fail. 2. If you did have enough jawbone to begin with, then it is likely your dentist didn’t leave enough time for osseointegration (Time for the bone to form around your implant).

If I were in your place, I would go to a skilled implant dentist and have them look at your case.  They can likely tell you what is going on.  If your dentist was negligent, you may be able to get some money back in order to have the procedure done correctly.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.

Can I Dump My Dentures?

I wish I’d been born 30 years later than I was! There are so many marvelous advancements everywhere that life would have been so much easier. One of those is with my stinking dentures. I hate them. Passionately. Now I hear they have dental implants which are like having real teeth. They don’t move or slip out. Am I too old to get those and dump my dentures?


Dear Eugenia,

Too Old for Dental Implants?

I have a feeling you’re quite the spitfire. Just so you know, you’re not the only dental patient who’d like to dump their dentures. You’re definitely not too old to do it. However, there may be one procedure you’d need first before going forward.

You mentioned your dentures slip and even come out. That’s due to the length of time you’ve had dentures. You’re suffering from what’s known as facial collapse. Your body reabsorbs the minerals in your jawbone after your teeth are gone to use elsewhere throughout your body. That has the unfortunate side effect of shrinking your jawbone.

Without enough bone structure, there will be nowhere to anchor the dental implants. Don’t despair, though. A simple procedure called bone grafting can build back up the bone in your jaw. This will give you the support you need to retain the implants.

With dental implants, you’ll be able to eat what you want without anything getting underneath your dentures. You’ll never have to worry about them slipping, AND you’ll look even younger with your jaw built back up. How’s that for a plus?

Which Dentist Should Do Your Implants?

Before you jump into this, be very careful in choosing what dentist you choose to do the dental implant procedure. Make sure they have lots of experience and a high success rate. You’ll want a success rate of at least 98%.

Here’s how it will work. First, you’ll get the bone grafting done, which is a one-day procedure. After you’ve healed from that, it’s time for the dental implant surgery. Once you’re healed from the surgery, then your dentist will place your overdentures which attach to the implants.

Let us know if you get it done and send us a picture of your new smile.
This blog is brought to you by Drs. Kevin and Hillary Peck.