I want to get a smile makeover and went to see my dentist. He suggested that I use Lumineers because that means I won’t have to take off any tooth structure. I like that idea but he hasn’t done many of these cases. I know that because I asked. If I don’t like the way it ends up, is it reversible?
Dear Abigail,
I am glad you wrote before going through with this procedure. I am always leery when a dentist recommends Lumineers. This particular brand of Lumineers is highly marketed to inexperienced cosmetic dentists as being easy to place. Unfortunately, that is not true. While they are considered no-prep veneers, very few smiles look good without some type of tooth preparation. Instead, they look bulky.
However, let’s address your actual question. Are they reversible? If by reversible you mean the Lumineers can be removed and your teeth will go back to normal and you can get your money back, the answer is no.
If by reversible you mean that you can redo them with a different dentist and pay for it twice, then sure!
Your best bet, in a situation like this, is to find an experienced cosmetic dentist who can do the job well. Most of them will not recommend Lumineers, but a different brand of porcelain veneers. However, if you want to give your dentist a chance, there is a way you can give him some experience without risking your smile makeover turning out badly.
If your dentist is willing to only permanently bond the Lumineers or other brand of porcelain veneers on AFTER you approve them and are thrilled with them, then you should be okay. Here’s how that can work.
Your veneers come back from the lab. Then, your dentist places them with a temporary try in paste and you get to look at them in a variety of different lightings. If you don’t love it, then he sends it back to the lab to make changes. He should be willing to do this as many times as it takes. The upside for him is that it gives him a LOT of practice.
This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hillary Peck.