Tag Archives: Phoenix Dentist

Affordable Neighborhood Dentist? Where?

Why does where you live seem to determine how much you have to pay for the dentist? We stretched ourselves financially in order to live in a better neighborhood, but the dentist here is almost double what our old neighborhood dentist cost. I don’t want to have to drive across town into the heart of an area we felt was unsafe in order to get affordable dental care.


Dear Nora,

Dollar sign hatched from an egg

It would be nice if the quality of all dentists were reliably equal, but that isn’t the case. The cost of a dentist varies based on several factors, though it is possible to find highly skilled dentists which are affordable, even in better neighborhoods. First, I’ll go over some factors which affect cost.

Building Costs can Affect the Cost of Dentistry

You’ve heard the expression, “Location, location, location…” Often offices in better neighborhoods have to pay exorbitant rental costs on their building. It’s hard for them to stay afloat, so their prices are higher so they can stay in business in that area.

This is one of the reasons Dr. Peck chose a location just outside a more expensive area. This enabled him to keep his costs reasonable for people in more than one type of neighborhood.

Skill Can Affect the Affordability of Dentistry

While some dentists do not raise their prices simply because they have exceptional skills, some do. They’ve spent a great deal of money and time furthering both their education and their skills. They need to make up the cost of that education.

Affordable Dentistry versus Cheap Dentistry

On the other end of the spectrum, there are dentists who lower their prices significantly just to draw patients in, but the quality of their work isn’t up to snuff. They keep their profits up by purchasing lower quality materials.

Think of it this way. What’s more affordable, a crown that lasts fifteen years and costs $900.00 or a crown that lasts four years and costs $500.00? Obviously, the cheaper crown ends up costing you significantly more in the long run.

Ideally, you want to find a dentist who does quality work at a reasonable price. Most dentists will offer some type of payment plan option for work that has a higher cost because of the nature of the procedure.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Pediatric Dentist Yelled at My Daughter

My daughter is very inquisitive. I told him this before her appointment. I also told him that if he’d take just a couple of minutes before the appointment and explain what the tools are and what he’s going to do, she’d be fine and quiet. Without that, she’s likely to interrupt, grab, and ask a million questions. Well, guess what? He didn’t listen to me. He seemed rushed, greeted her and went straight into her check-up. She kept reaching around and stopping him to ask questions. He’d tell her to be still which lasted for a bit, but then the questions and reaching would start again. Eventually, he just shouted at her to shut up so he can finish. I don’t know if it was a bad day or what, but now my daughter thinks of the dentist as the “mean man” and doesn’t want to go back. Is there a way to fix this?

Mad Mom

Dear Mad Mom,

Child sitting in Pediatric Dentist chair

I don’t blame you for being upset. This is a disaster, but I think it can be salvaged. I don’t know if this is regular behavior for your pediatric dentist. It doesn’t sound like you do either. Because you were explaining your daughter’s personality to him it sounds like this may have been a new relationship. The first thing I’d do is check his online reviews. If he’s done this kind of thing before I’m sure someone would have mentioned it. I’d just look for another pediatric dentist in that case. Your daughter doesn’t need a “mean man” for her care.

If everyone seems to have had a positive experience with him, it’s likely something caused him to have an unbelievably bad day. I’m reminded of that scene in “It’s a Wonderful Life” where the pharmacist was cruel to the boy and it turned out he’d just found out his son had died. We never know what’s going on in a person’s life. If he’s a good man who made a mistake, he likely feels terrible about it. It would be a good opportunity to teach about forgiveness. Of course, he’d need to be willing to apologize to your little girl and tell her he’ll not do that again.

He’ll also need to be willing to follow your original advice and take her through all the cool tools. In fact, as part of the apology, maybe he can even take her on a little tour of the entire office.

A Good Pediatric Dentist Leaves a Postive Outlook in Children

At Peck Family Dentistry, Hillary Peck is fantastic with the children. Even though she’s not a pediatric specialist she loves working with the little ones and always brings them joy. IF it turns out this dentist is a dud, you can look for a general dentist who’s great with kids. Maybe even your dentist so you and your daughter can have a shared experience going to the dentist together.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Lumineers Destroyed by Dentist

I got some Lumineers and spent a small fortune. However, it’s been a disaster from the beginning. I was excited after our consultation. He and I spoke quite in-depth with him about what I wanted, including a very white smile. When they were ready to bond on I was quite excited. As soon as I showed up he bonded them on. When I saw them in the mirror, I was devastated. They were stained, which made them look much darker than we’d discussed. I mentioned they weren’t as white as I was expecting but he asked me to give it a few days. I did but was just heartsick about the color. So, then I called him and said I really didn’t like the color. He told me to come in. He took off a layer of the Lumineers to show under the stain which is whiter, but now the veneers are dull looking and uneven. I can’t deal with this and I don’t know what to do. How could any decent cosmetic dentist be happy with a smile they created looking like this?


Dear Louisa,

A dental tool holding up a single Lumineer

I can tell you exactly how this particular dentist is satisfied with the results. He doesn’t understand how cosmetic dentistry works. Truthfully, you have a good case for a refund simply because he bonded them on without letting you look at them first and get your approval. He could actually get in a bit of trouble for that. Patients are supposed to give approval for a procedure before it’s performed.

Even if you had given permission, based on what you said he did to them after you complained, they are probably ruined. If he’s unwilling to give you a refund just from you asking I’d go to another dentist to get a second opinion. Make sure you go to a decent cosmetic dentist for your second opinion and don’t tell him who did your Lumineers. Tell him you want an unbiased opinion and don’t want to sway his thoughts.

Are Lumineers Your Best Option

Lumineers are a brand often marketed to inexperienced cosmetic dentists as being easy to place. While they don’t require tooth preparation (in certain cases) in many cases they do or they’ll end up looking bulky. Plus, as you’ve discovered, being easy to place does not mean they’re easy to design.

When you have these re-done, and you will need to have them re-done, don’t be surprised if your next cosmetic dentist suggests a different brand of porcelain veneers. The important item isn’t the brand but the skill of the dentist doing your porcelain veneers. It’s perfectly acceptable (in fact it is recommended) to ask to see samples of their work. They should have some type of smile gallery, sort of like a brag book to show you what type of results they get.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Can’t Afford Dentist With Infected Wisdom Teeth

What do you do if you have infected wisdom teeth but can’t afford a dentist? I’m in agony. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep.


Dear Vera,

Woman grabbing her jaw in pain
Don’t Ignore an Infected Tooth Because of Money

I know you’re in a great deal of pain so what I’m saying is in the deepest compassion. You cannot afford NOT to deal with this. This infection will spread. Your heart and your brain are very close to your jaw. If the infection spreads to either, it’s life-threatening and can happen so quickly the medical community may not have time to help.

There are ways to deal with this when you’re broke.

There are affordable dentists and even oral surgeons who will do the work you need and let you pay them out as you’re able. They know how serious this is and will work with you rather than allow you to put your life at risk.

If, for some reason, you can’t find a compassionate dentist in your area. There’s something called Care Credit. It’s a medical credit card which has low and even no-interest payment plans.

Call your doctor and get on some antibiotics. It WILL NOT take care of the infected wisdom teeth. Those need to be extracted. But, it will buy you a little bit of time while you find the care you need. He may even be willing to provide a stronger pain reliever than you can get over-the-counter.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Pediatric Dentist Insists on Fluoride Even When Insurance Won’t Cover It

I’m trying to decide if it’s worth it to get a fluoride treatment every dental visit with our pediatric dentist. They always pressure me too even though our insurance only covers it once a year. Is it really necessary if we use fluoride toothpaste?

Cathy M.

Dear Cathy,

Child sitting in  Pediatric Dentist chair

It’s expensive raising children and I know how important it is to save every dime you can. Though, sometimes spending a little bit of money saves you a lot. Your pediatric dentist is correct, getting a fluoride treatment every time is one way you’ll not only save money, you’ll save them unnecessary dental work in the future.

I’m glad you use a fluoride toothpaste. Every bit helps. But toothpaste doesn’t contain much. The fluoride your dentist provides is much stronger and is painted on so your child doesn’t ingest it. Fluoride is known to protect against decay and even reverse early decay. That simple procedure is one of the most useful things you can invest in. I would also be sure you get dental sealants as well on their molars.

The last thing you want is to save $30 on fluoride only to have to spend $200 on a filling. Or, if the cavity grows quickly, needing a pulpotomy (a child’s version of a root canal treatment).

Preventative dental care is one of the best things you can do for your child.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Bulky Lumineers are Making it Hard to Talk

I had Lumineers placed almost two months ago. I got this brand because they’re supposed to be thinner than the others. I can’t imagine how bulky the other brands are. But, my reason for writing you is because I’m having difficulty speaking because of there bulk. My dentist said I’d adapt to it, but I haven’t. What should I do? I sound like a little girl with a lisp.

Lauren W.

Dear Lauren,

A porcelain veneer being placed on a tooth

Many inexperienced cosmetic dentists end up placing Lumineers because they’re heavily marketed to beginners as being easy to place. They are considered “easy” because they’re ultra-thin and the company says no tooth preparation is necessary. That’s not always true and varies more from case to case than most dentists imagine. As a result of this misconception, many Lumineers cases end up looking (and being) bulky on patients.

As you’ve discovered, it affects both your appearance and your speech. Many patients have described it as trying to talk with horse teeth.

If you haven’t adjusted in two months, I can’t imagine you will anytime soon.

Can Lumineers be Fixed?

Once any brand of porcelain veneers are bonded on they’re permanent and can’t be “fixed”. The only option you really have is to have them re-done. Because you can’t speak normally, I would think you’re a good candidate for a refund. At the least, you should be able to speak normally.

Go to your dentist and let them know you haven’t adjusted and still can’t speak. You’ll need a refund in order to have them re-done. He’ll likely offer to re-do them rather than refund your money. It’s up to you whether you’re willing to try that. But, if he doesn’t have the experience and doesn’t know how to prep teeth, you’re not likely to have any better result.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Do Dentists Ever Offer Affordable Porcelain Veneers?

Can you help a gal out? I’ve always been embarrassed about my smile. The two front teeth overlap one another, they’re stained, and two of them are chipped. I’ve been pricing porcelain veneers because I’ve been told they can fix all of those issues at once, but they cost a fortune. Are there dentists who will offer a desperate gal an affordable smile makeover?

Mindy L.

Dollar sign hatched from an egg

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “You get what you pay for.” While it’s not always true, there are certain occasions where it bears more weight. Smile makeovers, especially with porcelain veneers, are one of them. The last thing you want is a slipshod smile. There have been countless smile makeover disasters and I don’t want yours to be one of them.

With that in mind, I want you to ask yourself if it’s more important to you that you improve your smile affordably or to get porcelain veneers affordably? Based on the issues you described, there is a much more affordable way to repair and improve your smile without the high cost of porcelain veneers.

Getting an Affordable Smile Makeover

While veneers are designed for a complete smile makeover, you can get a gorgeous smile without them. Here are three procedures I’m going to recommend to you that combined will still be more affordable for you than what you’re asking for.

  • Invisalign: This straightens your teeth without wire and metal, invisibly. No one will even know you’re wearing them.
  • Teeth whitening: This will take away all the stains that are bothering you. In fact, this alone makes patients look years younger.
  • Dental bonding: Those few chips you mentioned can be easily repaired with dental bonding.

One important thing to note. Make sure you get the teeth whitening done before getting the bonding placed on the chips. You want the bonding material to match your whiter teeth, not your current stained teeth. Also, any visible fillings you have will need to be replaced to match your whitened teeth as well.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Will an Affordable Dentist Help a Minor?

I have a problem. I’m a teenager (13) and still suck my thumb. I’m really embarrassed about it. I don’t want my parents to know but it is making my teeth stick out. The kids at school make fun of me about my teeth. Is there a dentist that won’t charge me too much and would let me come without my parents knowing? I need to find out what to do about my thumb sucking and my teeth. I can pay some. I’ve got a little business I do knitting scarves for people.


Dear Olivia,

Child with Pediatric Dentist

I’m so sorry the kids at school are giving you a hard time. I’m even more sorry you feel like you have to deal with this on your own. I wish you felt like you could talk to your parents. I don’t know your situation. Hopefully, there is some trusted adult in your life you feel safe with.

If you don’t feel safe, please tell a teacher or police officer. I also want to commend you on having a business at your age. You sound like a gal who’s going to change the world and I’m very proud of you.

Finding a dentist who’ll work with you financially isn’t a problem. Most would be happy to work with you. The biggest issue is the fact that you’re a minor. Legally, dentists cannot treat you without your parents there. They could lose their license. But, don’t get discouraged yet. I may have a way to help.

Affordable Ways to Stop Thumb Sucking

About any general pharmacy will have a type of clear nail polish designed to help people stop sucking your thumb. It’s not very expensive. You essentially just paint it on your thumb and the taste is so foul that it prevents you from sucking y our thumb.

This will deal with your thumb sucking problem but not your teeth. I’m guessing your parents don’t take you to the dentist regularly. I’d tell them your teeth are bothering you. When your teeth are out of alignment it can lead to migraines and even TMJ problems.

You may do some up front research ahead of time to look for affordable dentists in your area. At your age, you could go to either a pediatric dentist or a general dentist. Many work with Care Credit which is a medical card that can allow you to may payment plans for low and even no-interest.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

When Do You Leave a Pediatric Dentist?

Everyone’s saying my daughter needs to move away from a pediatric dentist. But, we have a good relationship with our pediatric dentist. He lets parents come back into the operatory which helps me feel safe about her being treated. I’m not sure I want to let my sixteen-year-old loose with an adult dentist who may or may not allow me back with her. When do we have to leave?

Sandra Q.

Dear Sandra,

Child with Pediatric Dentist

There isn’t a universal rule for when your child, son or daughter, should switch. Each pediatric dental office usually has their own policy. I’d talk to them and see what their policy is.

One thing I don’t want you worrying about is the safety of your daughter with dentists. I know there have been some stories in the news that would make any parent nervous, but those are very rare indeed. If you’re afraid, many general dentists will also let parents back into the operatory. When you’re calling around, simply ask them.

Are General Dentists Qualified to Treat Children?

If you’re looking for a sort of transitional period, there are general dentists who treat children. They’re perfectly qualified. All of them did a pediatric rotation during dental school. They just didn’t do the extra time to specialize in it. By the time they’re sixteen, you rarely have to worry about something coming up totally pediatric related that they’ll need to give you a specialist recommendation.

In fact, their jaws are developing more into an adult’s, so things like crowns and composite fillings may be better suited to an “adult” dentist. Teenagers also start getting interested in procedures such as teeth whitening, which most pediatric dentists don’t offer. Be aware, though, that their bite is still developing so don’t listen to a dentist who suggests that they’re ready for something like porcelain veneers.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Do Lumineers Cause Cavities?

I spoke to my dentist about the possibility of getting Lumineers. I really wanted to get a prettier smile. My dentist said he was certified in Lumineers but he’s only done them twice and will never do them again. He said both times his patients developed cavities underneath the Lumineers. Do they cause cavities? Do I have a chance of getting a pretty smile? How do the celebrities not get cavities under their Lumineers?

Franny W.

Dear Franny,

An advertisement for Lumineers

Here’s the thing about Lumineers. They’re marketed to inexperienced dentists. It appears your dentist is one of those. Lumineers is just a brand of porcelain veneers. The only way a patient can get a cavity from Lumineers is if your dentist doesn’t bond them on properly.

When the bond isn’t flush to the gums and correctly on the tooth, food can get trapped between the veneers and your teeth. That will lead to decay. I’m guessing that’s what happened with the two cases your dentist did.

You can get a beautiful smile with porcelain veneers, but probably not with this dentist.

How to Get a Beautiful Smile With or Without Lumineers

The key to a beautiful smile is a dentist with skill in giving smile makeovers. Ask to see before and after pictures of cases they’ve actually done. Make sure you like the type of results they’ve gotten. Additionally, make sure they will never permanently bond on any type of veneers without you seeing them with a temporary place and giving your approval that you like the results. This is a reasonable request and any true cosmetic dentist would consider it a no-brainer.

What about those patients who can’t afford porcelain veneers? Are they doomed to smiles that looked aged and exhausted? Absolutely not. The simple procedure of teeth whitening can take years off your appearance. It’s very affordable and if there are other things you want to improve, will give you something you’re proud of while you save up for veneers.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.