What is a pulpotomy?

I’ve been told my daughter needs a pulpotomy, but I’m unclear what it is. I know it has to do with her infected tooth, but its just a baby tooth so won’t it fall out anyway?

Serina- Detroit, MI


Think of a pupotomy as a root canal for baby teeth. With this procedure, most of the pulp of the baby tooth is removed. Then the tissue inside the roots is daubed with a disinfectant. The tooth is then sealed and covered with crown. Unless you’re talking about a molar, it is unnecessary.

I know that her teeth are falling out anyway, but you want to keep her molars until she is about 10 or 12 years old, when her adult molars come in. If you don’t her teeth will become bunched together.

There is an alternative treatment of extracting her tooth and placing a space maintainer.

You may be interested in reading about pediatric dentistry.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hilary Peck.