Extensive Decay in a six year old

There is extensive decay in my six year old’s mouth. He needs six teeth worked on that have deep cavities. It has gotten to the point that it is painful for him to eat. I’m assuming he’ll need some root canal treatments as well. The problem I have is no matter what dentist I bring him to, he throws too much of a fit for them to do any work on him. What do you recommend?

BreeAnn- Utah


You need to look for a pediatric dentist who also does sedation dentistry. The sedation will keep your child from panicking and allow the dentist to do the necessary work.

You also need to do something much more difficult. The way a child of six gets that much decay is from frequent eating. You are going to have to say no to your child’s snacking. Get him to not eat for 3-4 hours in a row so that he’ll be thoroughly hungry and eat sufficiently to not need to snack so much.

This blog is brought to you by Pediatric Dentist Dr. Hilary Peck.