Tag Archives: Phoenix Lumineers

Are Lumineers Visible?

I have teeth in need of a smile makeover. I suggested Lumineers, but my dentist is against it. He says Lumineers or any brand of porcelain veneers aren’t good enough. He told me that people can tell when you’re wearing them. Instead he suggested cosmetic crowns. I’m not crazy about that, because even though my teeth are ugly, they are healthy. I don’t want to get rid of healthy tooth structure.

Kelli M. – South Dakota


You’re certainly thinking more clearly than your dentist. There is no reason to grind down healthy tooth structure, especially since he’s wrong about Lumineers.

When porcelain veneers are done properly, they are indistinguishable from natural teeth. They are the ideal treatment for a smile makeover. But, it has to be done right.

Don’t pressure your dentist to do this though.  You won’t get the smile you were hoping for.  My suggestion is you look for someone else to do your smile makeover. Ask to see their smile gallery to make sure they do beautiful work.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Is My Dentist Cutting Corners by Not Using Lumineers?

I went to my dentist to discuss getting a smile makeover. I want a movie star smile and told him I wanted to get Lumineers. He told me he doesn’t do Lumineers, but uses something similar. He says they’re better, but I’m worried he’s just trying to cut corners to have a bigger profit.  Will these off-brands give me as good a smile?

Rebekah S. – Albany, NY


Did your dentist tell you they were an off-brand or are you just worried they are?  I realize that Lumineers have a lot of name recognition, but they’re only one brand of porcelain veneers. Many of the other brands are equally good.

It may be your dentist is more experienced with working with one brand over another. Or, he may like the aesthetics of a certain brand over Lumineers.

The important thing to remember about a smile makeover, is not what brand you use, but the skill of the dentist.  Just make sure he is willing to place them with a temporary paste first and make any changes you want before permanently bonding them on.

This blog is brought to you by Drs. Kevin and Hillary Peck.

My Lumineers need to be whitened

I had Lumineers done a few years ago. I think they’re Lumineers. He called them no-prep veneers and direct bonding. I paid a small fortune for them and didn’t expect them to need whitening this quickly. He indicated they would last for many years.  How do I take care of them getting whitened? I’ve since moved and can’t drive four hours to his office, so I’d like to know what procedure I need and have it done locally.

Louisa – Seattle


There’s something that bothers me about your question. You said he called them Lumineers (which can sometimes be no-prep veneers) and direct bonding. Those are two very different things.  Your dentist indicated they would last for many years, which would indicate some type of porcelain veneer (such as Lumineers), but you’re saying they’ve only lasted a few years, which indicates dental bonding.

The first step is to figure out which procedure you actually received. Go to a good cosmetic dentist in your new area. Let them look at your teeth, they’ll be able to tell right away what procedure you received. Also, tell them how much you paid, so he or she can determine if there’s a chance you were scammed.

Whichever procedure it was, whitening doesn’t work on any type of cosmetic work. Your only solution is to have the procedure re-done.

This blog is brought to you by Drs. Kevin and Hillary Peck.

Are off-brands of Lumineers causing bad breath?

I worked hard to get my body and teeth in shape.  I went through a gazillion deep cleanings to try and get rid of my gum disease. I finally got to the point that my dentist would let me get lumineers. Now, though, a couple of months later and I have horrible bad breath. I know my dentist used an off-brand of veneers. Could that be the problem?

Chloe S. – Arkansas


I can’t be definitive with you because diagnosing bad breath over a computer isn’t actually a great idea. But, I have a couple of thoughts.

Porcelain veneers don’t really cause bad breath. Bacteria does. That bacteria can be from poor hygiene or from an illness you have.

Has your doctor checked you for something like strep? Normally you have a high fever and a sore throat with it, but not always.

More likely, though, it’s your gum disease raising its ugly head again.  You may not have noticed before, because you’d been living with it a long time. Now, that you had it gone, you would notice a difference if it returned.  You were doing lots of deep cleanings to help with the bacteria. However, you’re in your normal routine again now.

You many need to go back and deal with the potential gum disease and find out where your oral hygiene issue is.  It may be your not brushing or flossing correctly. Let your dentist see how you’re doing it and he or she may have some advice for you.

This blog is borught to you by Dr. Kevin Peck.

Can I get Lumineers if I have two crowns?

I was thinking of getting lumineers. Is that possible to do if I have two dental crowns?

Monica C. – Alabama


Yes and No.  You can get Lumineers on the teeth that don’t have crowns, but not on the teeth that do.  That won’t negatively impact your smile makeover if you have the crowns re-done at the same time.

When you have the dental crowns re-done, make sure your dentist gives you all-porcelain crowns. These are much more natural looking.

You’ll want to go to a dentist who has experience with Lumineers and has created beautiful smiles.  It is perfectly within your rights to ask to see photos of smiles he or she has done.

This blog is brought to you by Drs. Kevin and Hillary Peck.

Can I have miracles done on my teeth?

I’m hoping for a miracle. I have to go to a reunion and my ex will be there. He’s always insulted me about my teeth. They’re chipped, misshappen and need to be whitened. Plus, there is a tiny gap between my front teeth.  IS there some miracle that will fix all of them? Fairly quickly…like within six months?

Meg E.  – Anderson, IN


Yes, I actually have a solution for you. Lumineers, a brand of porcelain veneers, can fix all the things you mentioned, in just two appointments.

A cosmetic procedure, they can change the shape, size, and color of your teeth. Your chips will be gone, the shape can be made natural and beautiful, the gap will be glosed, and they can be as white as you want them.

You’ll need to find a dentist who is skilled in placing them, but in the end you’ll have a smile you love….and your ex will be eating his heart out.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Kevin Peck.

Why are my teeth so bulky?

I got Lumineers. I like the color and everything, but they look really bulky. Is that normal?

Genevieve L. – Tampa, FL


Lumineers are advertised as being a no-prep veneer. Usually, with porcelain veneers, a miniscule amount of your teeth have to be shave (about the thickness of a fingernail) in order to make room for the veneers. Lumineers are an extra-thin veneer, so  theoretically, your teeth shouldn’t need the prep.

Unfortunately, not everyones teeth and smiles fit the Lumineers “mold”.  Dentists should access the individual patient’s smile. Otherwise you end up with a situation like yours, where the smile is bulky.

There’s not anything that can really be done without completely re-doing the Lumineers. I’m sorry.  I realize that is probably the last thing you wanted to hear.  I wish I could give you a different answer.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Kevin Peck.

Permanent Vampire Teeth

Halloween is coming up.  I can find a lot of dentists that are willing to give me temporary vampire teeth, but none that seem to be willing to do permanent. I wanted to get lumineers shaped like vampires.  Do you have any lumineer dentist recommendations?

Ben L. – Forest City, AR


I think you’ll have a very hard time finding a dentist who’s willing to give you permanent vampire teeth. The reason for that is the danger it poses not just to yourself, but to other people. You’ll find plenty of dentists willing to place temporary ones, but  Lumineers are permanent.

The lumineers company has a list of lumineers certified dentists. You could look up the ones in your area and just start calling down the list.

If your heart is set on it and you can’t find a lumineers dentist to do it, you could just call around and see if another cosmetic dentist will do it that places porcelain veneers. You’re not limited to the lumineers brand.

I honestly wouln’t hold out too much hope for permanent teeth though.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentists Drs. Kevin and Hillary Peck.

Will Lumineers fix cigarette teeth?

I have smoked cigarettes for years.  Now my teeth look really ugly and stained.  Will Lumineers cover that?

Jeremy – Missouri


Yes, Lumineers will adequately cover the stains on your teeth from cigarette smoking. In fact, they can do more than that. If you wnat to reshape your teeth, they can do that as well.

If, all you’re looking for, though, is to get rid of the stains, you might be happier by simply having professional teeth whitening done.  It will get rid of the cigarette stains and is a significantly less expensive procedure.

Lumineers, will do more than just whiten them, so there is that to consider as well.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Kevin Peck.

Fixing stained, crooked teeth without braces…and fast?

I have teeth that overlap a little in the front. That looks bad enough, but they’re also pretty stained.  I mean ugly stained. Is there anyway I can fix these really fast and without braces?  I know I’m asking a lot.

Marisa – El Paso


Well, consider me Santa Claus, because I have some good news for you.  There is a way to do all of that and more…fast.

Talk to a cosmetic dentist about Lumineers. Lumineers are a brand of porcelain veneers. They can change the shape, size, and color of your teeth. They can even make your crooked teeth look straight.

Make sure you go to a cosmetic dentist who offers a beautiful smile guarantee, like Dr. Peck does.

This blog is brought to you by the Phoenix Dentists of Drs. Kevin and Hillary Peck.