Tag Archives: getting vampire teeth. Robert Pattinson

Boyfriend got vampire teeth…I hate it!

My boyfriend did something super sweet and unbelievable stupid. He knows I am a twilight fan. For our anniversary he got vampire teeth put in. He said they’re lumineers. Is there any way to get rid of them? I like twilight, but I wasn’t really interested in dating a vampire. I just thought Robert Pattinson was hot.  Now, if he could get Pattinson’s hair…that’d be awesome.

Denae- Maine


I don’t believe I have ever laughed so much from a blog question in my life. I hope you don’t mind, but I showed my wife…and my neighbor.

Here is what I suggest for your fella. He’ll need to have his Lumineers re-done. Now, I don’t know how wealthy your boyfriend is, but he did something pricey for your anniversary. It won’t be cheap to change them either. I recommend his dentist only change the “pointy” teeth, That will at least limit his expense on the fix.

Sorry I can’t help in regard to Mr. Pattinson’s hair.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Kevin Peck.