Tag Archives: teeth shifting after an extraction

Teeth shifting

Is it common for your teeth to shift after getting a tooth extracted? My front teeth seem to have moved and I find it a little embarrassing. I have to get another tooth extracted and I want to prevent it from happening again if that is the cause.

Lindsey G.- Benton, AR


Once a tooth is extracted your body begins to reabsorb the bone. That combined with the occlusion (how your teeth come together) of your teeth can lead to shifting. Everyone’s teeth behave a little differently when  it comes to occlusion. The ideal treatment is to replace your teeth whenever they are distracted.

The best tooth replacement is a dental implant, because it will place a prosthetic root into your gums, which will prevent any further bone loss. Depending on your budget, this might not be possible, but their are other tooth replacements that will prevent any lateral movement of your teeth.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Kevin Peck.