Tag Archives: primary teeth

Baby Tooth Eruption

Hi, I’m a first time mom and was wondering when I should expect my daughter’s teeth to start coming in.

Cammie Anne S.- Atlanta, GA

Cammie Anne,

Below is a chart to show  you the location of the teeth and a list to give you some general guidelines. Bear in mine that each child is different, so don’t panic if your child doesn’t follow the schedule exactly.  It will be important that you find a good dentist. Look for someone who does pediatric dentistry.


6 to 10 months:  Lower Central Incisors

8 to 12 months:  Upper Central incisors

10 to 16 months:  Lower Lateral Incisors

9 to 13 months: Upper Lateral Incisors

17 to 23 months:  Lower Canine

16 to 22 months:  Upper Canine

14 to 18 months:  Lower First Molar

13 to 19 months:  Upper First Molar

23 to 31 months:  Lower Second Molar

25 to 33 months:  Upper Second Molar

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Kevin Peck.