All posts by writeradmin

writeradmin writes blog posts on behalf of Dr. Kevin Peck

Baby Tooth Eruption

Hi, I’m a first time mom and was wondering when I should expect my daughter’s teeth to start coming in.

Cammie Anne S.- Atlanta, GA

Cammie Anne,

Below is a chart to show  you the location of the teeth and a list to give you some general guidelines. Bear in mine that each child is different, so don’t panic if your child doesn’t follow the schedule exactly.  It will be important that you find a good dentist. Look for someone who does pediatric dentistry.


6 to 10 months:  Lower Central Incisors

8 to 12 months:  Upper Central incisors

10 to 16 months:  Lower Lateral Incisors

9 to 13 months: Upper Lateral Incisors

17 to 23 months:  Lower Canine

16 to 22 months:  Upper Canine

14 to 18 months:  Lower First Molar

13 to 19 months:  Upper First Molar

23 to 31 months:  Lower Second Molar

25 to 33 months:  Upper Second Molar

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Kevin Peck.

Teeth shifting

Is it common for your teeth to shift after getting a tooth extracted? My front teeth seem to have moved and I find it a little embarrassing. I have to get another tooth extracted and I want to prevent it from happening again if that is the cause.

Lindsey G.- Benton, AR


Once a tooth is extracted your body begins to reabsorb the bone. That combined with the occlusion (how your teeth come together) of your teeth can lead to shifting. Everyone’s teeth behave a little differently when  it comes to occlusion. The ideal treatment is to replace your teeth whenever they are distracted.

The best tooth replacement is a dental implant, because it will place a prosthetic root into your gums, which will prevent any further bone loss. Depending on your budget, this might not be possible, but their are other tooth replacements that will prevent any lateral movement of your teeth.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Kevin Peck.

Extensive Decay in a six year old

There is extensive decay in my six year old’s mouth. He needs six teeth worked on that have deep cavities. It has gotten to the point that it is painful for him to eat. I’m assuming he’ll need some root canal treatments as well. The problem I have is no matter what dentist I bring him to, he throws too much of a fit for them to do any work on him. What do you recommend?

BreeAnn- Utah


You need to look for a pediatric dentist who also does sedation dentistry. The sedation will keep your child from panicking and allow the dentist to do the necessary work.

You also need to do something much more difficult. The way a child of six gets that much decay is from frequent eating. You are going to have to say no to your child’s snacking. Get him to not eat for 3-4 hours in a row so that he’ll be thoroughly hungry and eat sufficiently to not need to snack so much.

This blog is brought to you by Pediatric Dentist Dr. Hilary Peck.

What is a pulpotomy?

I’ve been told my daughter needs a pulpotomy, but I’m unclear what it is. I know it has to do with her infected tooth, but its just a baby tooth so won’t it fall out anyway?

Serina- Detroit, MI


Think of a pupotomy as a root canal for baby teeth. With this procedure, most of the pulp of the baby tooth is removed. Then the tissue inside the roots is daubed with a disinfectant. The tooth is then sealed and covered with crown. Unless you’re talking about a molar, it is unnecessary.

I know that her teeth are falling out anyway, but you want to keep her molars until she is about 10 or 12 years old, when her adult molars come in. If you don’t her teeth will become bunched together.

There is an alternative treatment of extracting her tooth and placing a space maintainer.

You may be interested in reading about pediatric dentistry.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Hilary Peck.

Why am I drooling?

I recently got a snake bite piercing. Since then I’ve been drooling like nuts. Is this from the piercing? I’ve never drooled before.

Kevin B.- Pine Bluff, AR


It is very likely the drooling is a result of the snake bite piercing. Here’s why. Any type of oral piercing will stimulate your salivary glands. This can lead to excessive drooling. This is a common risk factor with oral piercings.

You may also want to look out for some of these other possible risk factors:

  • Tooth & Gum Irritations: Depending on the positioning of the piercing, it could wear down the enamel on your teeth. You will also need to be proactive with your oral hygiene because if it rubs against your gums it will not only cause irritation, but could lead to gum recession and periodontal disease.
  • Bacterial Infections: Though inflammation is normal after an oral piercing, it should go down within a few days. If it doesn’t,  you need to be seen by a doctor. The ADA (American Dental Association) have documented an increased risk for bacterial infections in those with oral piercings. It is not just from transference during the procedure, but rather because our mouths are loaded with bacteria.  When you introduce a new open area, you increase the opportunities for the bacteria to spread.
  • Allergic reaction: Many people are allergic to various types of metals. If you’re having any type of reaction such as itching, redness, burning, swelling, or rash, see your doctor immediately. Allergies are serious and need to be dealt with.
  • Speech impediments: If the piercing keeps you from closing your lips completely,that will lead to speech impediments.
You may also be interested in learning about porcelain crowns.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Emergency Dentist Dr. Kevin Peck.


Dental Dam

My dentist always uses something called a Dental Dam when he does root canals and fillings. I don’t like how it feels. Can you tell me what its used for?

Anne G.- Ft. Worth, TX


Sure. A dental dam, also called rubber dam, are designed to keep your tooth dry for procedures like root canals and sometimes composite fillings. The purpose for it is to protect your tooth from saliva. Our saliva has bacteria in it that can increase the chance of your tooth getting reinfected after your root canal procedure. It is also useful for keeping your tongue out of the way as well as keeping dental material and water out of your throat during the procedure. This helps people with a strong gag reflex.

Some dentists will use it when doing white (composite fillings) also because if the tooth doesn’t stay dry, the material won’t bond properly to your tooth. I would discuss with your dentist how you feel about the dam and see if you can work out a mutually beneficial solution.

You may also be interested in learning about Mercury-free dentistry.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Kevin Peck.

Help for a bulimic

I’ve been getting treatment for bulimia and I have realized how bad my teeth have gotten because of it. Is there anything I can do to fix the damage I’ve done?

Name Withheld

The first thing I recommend is going to see your dentist. The acid from your purging is what causes the erosion on your teeth. I would drink a lot of water to help neutralize any residual acid.

Bulimia can also cause your mouth to dry out. This can lead to tooth decay, because the minerals and enzymes in our saliva helps to fight the bacteria in our mouth. Chewing on a sugarless gum will help promote saliva production.

Your dentist may also recommend a fluoride treatment. Depending on the condition of your teeth, it may be wise to get porcelain crowns placed on them. Please be aware that this does not completely protect them from purging. There is always some space that can allow the acid through.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Kevin Peck.


The Top 10 of Treating Children

Did you know that February is Children’s Dental Health Month? At Peck Family Dentistry we LOVE treating children. They have a vibrancy, innocence, and excitement that adults just can’t pull off. Here are just some of the reasons we love treating them.

10. It is so much fun seeing their “dress ups” they wear into the office. Not many of our adult patients have the self confidence to dress like Snow White or wear their cowboy hat. We have also yet to meet an adult that will jump up and down just to show us how their new athletic shoes light up.

9. They listen attentively to everything we tell them. Their faces get grossed out when we talk about bacteria “bugs” on their teeth. They get an equal look of determination when we discuss destroying those same bugs.

8. They ask what each implement in our office does and give them funny names.

7.  No one looks as good in our protective eye gear than a child.

6. Their smiles light up the room.

5.  We’ve yet to have an adult giggle when we polish their teeth. Almost every child does though.

4.  They get excited about getting a new toothbrush.

3.  They tell us about their favorite games and toys.

2. They take great pride in drawing us pictures.

1.  They tell us funny stories (sometimes about their parents).

Thanks for letting us take care of your children. Don’t forget to set up their next cleaning. We want to keep those brilliant smiles healthy.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Sensitivity

I keep getting these canker sores. After doing a lot of research, I think i’ve narrowed it down to the chemical Sodium Lauryl Sulfate in the toothpaste. Can you tell me where I can get a toothpaste that doesn’t contain this? It looks like all the ones in my general store have it.

Serena K.- San Diego, CA


Yes, below is list of toothpastes you can use. You will generally find them in a health food store. Be aware that these will not foam when you brush your teeth. It is the Sodium Lauryl Sulfate that makes the foaming reaction in your mouth. You can be assured your teeth are still getting clean. Here are the toothpastes:

  • Squigle Enamel Saver Toothpaste
  • Rembrandt Gentle White Toothpaste
  • Auromere Ayurvedic Toothpaste  (found on-line)
  • Tom’s of Maine Natural Clean and Gentle Care, SLS-Free Antiplaque plus Whitening Spearmint Toothpaste
  • Herbal Toothpaste Cardamon-Fennel
  • Biotene Dry Mouth Toothpaste Fresh Mint Original Flavor
  • JASON Natural Cosmetics Powersmile Toothpaste Peppermint

You may also want to avoid acidic foods, such as grapefruits and tomatoes, as they can create the same problem.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr.Kevin Peck.

Bad Breath

Can you tell me what causes bad breath? I know I’ve got a bad case of it, but I don’t know why. Breath mints don’t help for long.

Name Withheld

Breath mints don’t deal with the causes of bad breath, they just mask it. Beware of just using breath mints over and over. Many of them contain sugars that not only can contribute to bad breath, but can also quickly lead to tooth decay.

Sometimes bad breath can be the result of acid reflux, or an infection such as strep throat. Those causes have medication that can help, but you need to get them diagnosed by a physician.

Other times it is a matter of the types of food you eat, or even oral hygiene issues. First, I’d make sure you are practicing good oral hygiene. Do you brush and floss regularly? If not, start there. You’ll notice a real difference just from that. Even with good hygiene, your mouth is filled with bacteria designed to help break down the proteins in your mouth. As they break down, a sulfur gas is left behind in your mouth which can have a foul odor. There is a Smart Mouth rinse that can eliminate the sulfur gas from forming and prevent bad breath for about twelve hours.

I hope this helps.

You may also be interested in learning about Teeth Whitening.

This blog is brought to you by Phoenix Dentist Dr. Kevin Peck.